best shape of my life.
planning a trip to Bali for my 30th birthday.
whoopsy daisy.
Adopting children (especially older less desirable ones) out of the American foster system, leading youth groups, working with children based charities, babysitting, that I was prepared for, bringing a child into this crazy world was not part of the plan…
if you are already judging please leave now….
I have always loved children, felt very nurturing, and knew i wanted to help others no matter what or how.
At 19 I became a nanny to a blended family of 5 kids, they were a very wealthy and well known family in my small town (I did not know this until after working for them awhile) and really accepted me, making me feel like one of their own.
Being around this family I knew I could adopt and love a child just as much as I would love my own because although this family had EVERYTHING they could possibly need or want sadness and heartbreak could still get to their very nice newly built home. This also showed me that having money didn't mean you didn't have problems, it actually would reveal deeper struggles because you didn't have money to blame, I was recently reminded of this again by a very dear friend.
I loved being a dog mom, was leading the youth at our church and knew one day I’d have my special family.
God had other plans.
I felt a shift, being a yoga teacher awareness of the body is literally my job, so I knew something new was going on.
I had only been off birth control 3 weeks, it was the only pill i had taken for any extended period of time in 7 years and I really wanted to feel ALL of the REAL me. Little did I know this would be the greatest decision of my life!
This does not mean I did not feel fear, shame, or guilt.
I know there are so many women in the world who want nothing more than this opportunity and may not ever receive this gift, so I took it very seriously.
Native Americans believe that your children do not belong to you, they are lent to you by the Creator.
This I believe wholeheartedly, and after almost not being here to see you grow, I knew that I would have to have faith like never before.
I found out about you a few days before my 29th birthday, I cried and cried, tears of joy, tears of sadness.
What I did not know was that my dear tribe had planned a surprise birthday party for me, with an August birthday i never really had big parties and only 1 since I turned 16 so this meant a whole lot to me… now you know mommy likes to drink wine and champagne, this may have been my birthday theme…
your Auntie Allison was in charge of jello shots and was the only person I had told so she snuck making me some that were alcohol free.
This was one of the hardest days of my life, I knew after that day there would be no more celebrating me, this hurt me deep because I had never really felt that celebrated before, but you definitely brought me soo much more,